Rock-solid customer journey data: We take care of everything for you

What to use for

  • Collecting customer journey data for your tools and use cases.
  • Eliminating redundancies and lowering downstream costs.
  • Ensuring legal compliance and preventing data issues.

What makes different?

  • We provide ready-to-use data, not an analytics or MarTech tool.
  • We collect the data centrally and feed it into your tools and pipelines.
  • We take care of creating the data so you can focus on utilizing it.

Our unique approach: Use the same data across your entire organization

Based on 10+ years of experience: It makes no sense to collect similar data for different tools, data stacks, use cases and teams separately. We collect highly reusable data for all of them, centrally and just one time.

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events

Quality Guarantee


Data as a Service

Your Tools

Your Data Stacks

  • Analytics tools
  • Ads conversions
  • Affiliate conversions
  • Dashboards & reporting
  • Customer data platforms
  • Show all (scroll)
  • Databases
  • Streaming pipelines
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Show all (scroll)

Your Use Cases

Your Teams

  • Marketing & sales
  • Machine learning & AI
  • Customer analytics
  • Cost savings
  • Product analytics
  • Show all (scroll)
  • Marketing teams
  • Data teams
  • Product teams
  • C-level / management
  • Developer teams
  • Show all (scroll)

Customer journey events: Don’t settle for less than everything

You may try to prioritize and compromise, but based on our experience, when your entire organization adopts the data, every customer journey event becomes important:

  • Web events
  • Mobile events
  • Campaign events
  • Log events
  • API events
  • CRM events
  • Offline events
  • … more

Our unique approach removes redundancies and friction, allowing us to capture all of the above data points for you.

A decade of experience: Fighting corporate data issues

You are able to achieve incredible things with data that propel your company forward. However, what we’ve witnessed over the past decade were primarily problems, like for example:

  • Data instabilities putting data initiatives at risk.
  • Overcomplicated data collection draining resources.
  • Expensive tools not meeting expectations.
  • Each new tool requiring additional implementation.
  • Measurement requirements holding up feature releases.

Over the years, we developed a unique approach around a set of technologies and processes to address the root causes behind all the recurring issues. It is now the foundation of our Data as a Service.

Hello, my name is Ian, and I am the founder of For more than a decade, my #1 priority has been data of the highest quality, see here.

Our unique approach: Processes, technologies, centralization

We have worked on data projects in various industries on both sides of the Atlantic, solving quality issues and building data pipelines:

  • North America: Retail, e-commerce, telecommunications, media (read more)
  • Europe: Insurances, media, gambling, e-commerce, utilities (read more)

The result: A few core principles and a set of technologies.

  • Principle 1: Centralized data collection, allowing 100% focus.
  • Principle 2: Unbiased, generic data model allowing infinite reuse.
  • Principle 3: Centralized accountability and responsibility for results.
  • Principle 4: Fixing data issues at the source, nothing else is sustainable.
  • Technologies: Our Data as a Service platform, see here (scroll).

See the next section for a detailed comparison (scroll).

How is our approach different?

Our unique approachTraditional approach
Initial implementationCape.lyYou / vendor / agency
Ongoing maintenance / updatesCape.lyOften forgotten
Number of implementations requiredOne for all toolsUsually one per tool
End-to-end responsibility for dataCape.lyShared (not good)
Vendor deliverablesDataLabor
Deliverables measurementData quality criteriaUsually hours
Flat annual feeYesUsually not
Vendor incentive for issue-free dataYesWell…
Data quality guaranteeYesUsually none
Experience collecting high-quality dataOver a decadeUsually quite limited
Data collected how many timesOnly onceUsually once per tool
Working with customer’s ITCape.lyYou / vendor / agency
Same data in many tools and pipelinesYesUsually not
Sole business focus on quality dataCape.lyUsually not
Our unique approachTraditional approach

Our managed data stream: What do we take care of for you?

Short answer: We make sure that you get the data you need, end-to-end. You can focus on creating business value with data you can trust and build on. No need to worry about data issues.

Build & Maintain

Our unique approach combines technologies and processes. As part of that, we gather your data requirements and develop a measurement strategy. One of our main goals is to minimize the technical footprint and friction with developers. We work with your IT on the initial implementation and constant updates, because maintenance is just as important as the initial setup. Otherwise your data quality just gets increasingly worse over time.

Event Data Collection

What we collect, depends on your needs. To get a better understanding about what we can collect for you, see the section on events (scroll).

Quality Guarantee

Our unique approach holds us accountable end-to-end. Because of that, we are able to guarantee the data’s quality, see the separate section on our guarantee (scroll).

Customize Data

The data we collect is fully customizable through our platform. You can set up one or multiple data streams which can have different customizations applied to it. To learn more about our platform’s features, please see the section about features (scroll).

Data as a Service

Allow us to take care of everything, based on our 10+ years of experience.

Build & Maintain

  • Gathering your data requirements
  • Consulting with your legal department
  • Working with your IT on the implementation
  • Constantly adjusting to changes

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events

Quality Guarantee


Customize Data


Data as a Service

Connect Your Tools


Implement Use Cases

  • Machine learning & AI
  • Marketing analytics
  • Customer journey analytics
  • Show all (scroll)

Reap The Benefits

  • Higher revenues
  • More customers
  • Improved products
  • Reliable data
  • Decreased costs
  • Legal compliance
  • Efficiency improved

Our platform: One stop shop for all your data needs

Data management

  • Manage data requirements
  • Customize your data
  • Send your data anywhere
  • Show all (scroll)

Legal compliance

Cost management

  • Turn data points on and off
  • Eliminate redundancies
  • Cost predictability
  • Show all (scroll)

Monitoring & alerting

  • Monitor your data
  • Get anomaly alerts
  • Get PII leakage alerts
  • Show (scroll)

All your customer journey events made available to all your teams

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Data management: Tailor your data to your needs

Manage data requirements

Easily submit your data requirements and track their implementation status.

Customize your data

Adjust your data to your needs: Change, add, and remove certain data points.

Send your data anywhere

Stream your data into your tools: Click here for a list (scroll)

Centralize your data

Our platform collects your data centrally to minimize efforts and ensure consistency.

Transform your data

Configure schema adjustments and other data transformations.

Use sophisticated data checks

Set up checks to detect logical issues, primarily business-related.

Anonymize your data

Our platform can remove personally-identifiable information so you can measure without consent.

Get anomaly alerts

Schedule alerts about sudden changes and irregularities in your data.

Always up-to-date documentation

Our platform automatically documents every data point we collect for you.

Enrich your data

Our platform can expand your data with additional data points, e.g. product or customer attributes.

Enforce data schemas

Enforce pre-configured data schemas, or define your own schemas and rules.

Use data mapping templates

Use our platform’s many pre-configured templates to map the platform’s data to your connected tools.

All your customer journey events streamed into any tool you want

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Legal compliance: Mitigate risks and adhere to privacy laws

GDPR compliance

Our platform helps you to easily comply with European data regulations.

CCPA compliance

Our platform helps you to easily comply with Californian data regulations.

PIPEDA compliance

Our platform helps you to easily comply with Canadian data regulations.

Consent management

Our platform captures the user’s consent status so you can configure data usage accordingly.

PII leakage alerts

Our platform scans your data to prevent personal information from being leaked accidentally.

Data anonymization

Our platform can remove personally-identifiable information so you can measure without consent.

Data pseudonymization

Our platform can convert personally-identifiable information into aliases to protect your user’s data.

Data only stored temporarily

Our platform doesn’t store data permanently, therefore minimizing exposure to compliance risks.

Remove 3rd-party JavaScript

Our platform collects data on behalf of other tools so you can minimize 3rd-party code.

All your customer journey events to power any of your use cases

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Cost management: Stay within budget and optimize your spend

Save storage costs

Our approach is to collect everything. But you can always enable and disable certain data points.

Pay a fixed yearly fee

We don’t charge hourly or based on consumption, we bundle everything into a fixed yearly fee.

Get budget alerts

Set budgets for your data-consuming tools and get notified when certain thresholds are reached.

Achieve enterprise-level goals without costly redundancies

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Monitoring & alerting: We keep an eye on your data 24/7

Sophisticated data checks

Set up checks to detect logical issues, primarily business-related.

Anomaly alerts

Schedule alerts about sudden changes and irregularities in your data.

PII leakage alerts

Our platform scans your data to prevent personal information from being leaked accidentally.

Data schema enforcement

Enforce pre-configured data schemas, or define your own schemas and rules.

Budget alerts

Set budgets for your data-consuming tools and get notified when certain thresholds are reached.

All your customer journey events streamed into your data stacks

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Pricing: Our DaaS platform and any labor for a flat annual fee

We charge approximately what someone in-house providing similar services would cost, but you get all the additional benefits of our platform:

Our flat annual fee is based on the following factors:

  • Number and complexity of data producers, e.g. websites, apps
  • Number of data points
  • Specific features

Please reach out to get a custom estimate.

We provide what nobody else does: A data quality guarantee

Our Data as a Service‘s quality criteria are the result of over a decade of turning data into business value.

Learn how to achieve them below, and how to avoid other related issues. Please reach out if you disagree with our criteria.

Event Data Collection


Browser events

Mobile events

Other events


Data as a Service

Redundancies cost you dearly: Create data only one time

Data stacks, analytics tools, and marketing technologies have something in common: By default, they all collect, process, store and use their own data. But that creates the following issues:

  • Data inconsistencies between tools
  • Need to handle data collection individually per tool
  • Absence of Single Source of Truth

Our DaaS can stream the same high-quality data into all your tools. This automatically ensures overall consistency and you can focus on using your tools to the fullest extent.

Vendors and agencies: How do we compare?

Analytics vendors offer tools, agencies offer consulting services. We provide the end product, the data, as a service.

With data quality and reliability being our sole focus, we enable you and your stakeholders to focus on your use cases.

We integrate seamlessly with your existing software solutions and service providers by taking care of the implementation.

The difference between DaaS and agencies / consultants

More than a decade of consulting and helping clients with their data issues has made us realize that the approach to collect data to create value is inherently broken.

Most companies work with their service providers on their data collection together. Unfortunately, shared responsibilities don’t work for increasingly complex implementations.

Instead, we recommend to make the data and its quality the responsibility of just one party so that the deliverable can be measured, and somebody can be held accountable.

Our DaaS comes with a data quality guarantee and can be used by you and your partners. We believe that agencies create a lot of value, but data creation requires undivided attention.

You need to measure everything to answer the why, not just the what

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if you don’t measure enough, a lot of questions remain unanswered making it difficult to provide actionable insights.

You may have been given this advice before: Focus on a few important data points and make sure that data is accurate and reliable. We strongly disagree with this limiting approach.

Transactional data answers the what, event data answers the why. So if you want to answer the why, you need a complete picture of what happened, as everything can affect a user’s behavior.

Our Data as a Service aims to cover everything. And if something is missing and technically possible, we add it.

Never worry again about data collection and quality

We focus 100% on collecting the best data possible and covering as much of the user journey as possible. Unlike agencies, we don’t analyze the data, and unlike analytics vendors, we don’t store any data and use it.

Our sole focus is the data and its quality, so we constantly adjust your implementation to technological changes, and integrate the data from various sources:

  • Websites, SPAs, PWAs, etc.
  • iOS, Android, smart device apps
  • Ads, online & offline user journey
  • CRMs, emails, SMS, chats, calls, etc.

Spend less time on tedious data tasks and focus on creating value through your use cases.

Your data and its quality are constantly monitored

We have been collecting high-quality event data for over a decade. Our DaaS platform incorporates everything we have learned along the way to ensure your data is accurate. These are just some of the features:

  • Data schema validation
  • Data schema monitoring and alerting
  • Data transformations and customizations
  • Ability to apply custom business logic to the data
  • User identity resolution
  • PII pseudonymization and anonymization

Our platform covers the entire data creation process.

One tool-agnostic, future-proof, implementation for everything

Our implementation is the last one you’ll ever need, and you don’t have to lift a finger. We’ll replace all your current legacy implementations and data collectors with just one.

Free your websites and apps from legacy code slowing them down (maybe even breaking them) to make a lot of people very happy:

  • Your users and customers
  • Your UX / site reliability team
  • Your security and compliance team

The data we collect for you can be used with all kinds of marketing technologies and data stacks.

Your goals are automatically our goals due to our business model

You need high-quality data continuously, not just now, because data use cases take time to implement and usually get more profitable over time.

Our business model is built around long-term partnerships. Everything we do is thought through and meant to work for a long time.

We have learned from a decade of experience that quick fixes, workarounds, and makeshift (or band-aid) solutions don’t last.

We have huge initial implementation efforts, so if we don’t earn your business for a second year, we lose money. This sets us apart from other service providers.

  • Risk-free fixed yearly fee: Independent from our actual efforts
  • Aligned long-term goals: Our model doesn’t work for just one year

Variable factors:

  • Number and types of data sources
  • Usage of features and solutions

Keep your data compliant with privacy rules and regulations

Your data is one of your biggest assets, but could also be one of your biggest liabilities due to legal compliance requirements.

Reduce your risk with our legal compliance framework that covers North America and Europe. We also support a variety of Consent Management Platforms.

Coming originally from Europe, we have many years of experience dealing with strict privacy laws. That’s why, with just a few clicks, you can set up:

  • Anonymization
  • Pseudonymization
  • Cohort-based analytics
  • and more!

DaaS for partners: Agencies, consultants, vendors, platforms

Our DaaS platform is not limited to “end users”. You can use it for your customers as well, for example:

  • Agencies that offer data-driven services, e.g. ads
  • Consultants that build pipelines with user event data
  • Vendors of solutions that consume event data, e.g. marketing technologies
  • Platform providers that need analytics features in their products, e.g. B2B SaaS

Instead of dealing with data issues, focus on creating value for your customers. Our DaaS takes care of everything behind the scenes so you can focus on core features and services.

Fixing data issues downstream is exponentially more expensive

A high-quality implementation to collect high-quality data costs more than a low-quality one, but dealing with low-quality data incurs even more costs downstream.

You have probably heard of “garbage in, garbage out” (or GIGO), which further contributes to the problem: The further downstream you move, the less likely it gets that you can actually fix your data.

That’s why our platform includes:

  • Data models optimized for data science use cases
  • Schema enforcement and data contracts
  • Constant adjustments to evolving environments
  • Event data based on best practices from a decade of experience

Data optimized for data science, machine learning, and AI

The data we produce for you is suitable for rather basic data use cases, but supports advanced use cases as well.

Because our DaaS is one single data stream, we put a lot of effort to assure its general compatibility and versatility.

Our data is optimized for programmatic consumption first, so any data point that can exist on its own is kept separate, for example.

You can use the transformation features of our DaaS platform to adjust the data to your needs, e.g. localizing, modeling for specific use cases, or preparing for specific analysis.