Data consulting company turned Data as a Service (DaaS) vendor

The company was initially founded in Germany in 2013 to provide consulting services in digital analytics, a/b/n testing, conversion rate optimization, website personalization, and data analysis.

Since then, the company has conducted data-centric projects in a myriad of industries on both sides of the Atlantic, solving data issues and building data pipelines: Travel, advertising, media, energy, telco, retail, insurance, gambling, etc.

In late 2022, work began on a software solution that automates almost all of the work that has been done manually for the consulting projects. Now, the product is high-quality data, while consulting is offered only as an add-on.

A new and modern approach to collecting and using event data: Single Source of Truth by design

From a data architecture perspective, analytics tools, data stacks, and marketing technologies are all just data pipelines that consist of the same components:

  • Creating / collecting data
  • Processing data
  • Storing data
  • Using data / creating value

Instead of having all these solutions create redundant, usually inconsistent, and often low-quality data, it’s better to create data only once and focus on its quality.

With our DaaS, you can stream the same data into different MarTech tools, analytics solutions, and data pipelines to ensure overall consistency and remove redundancies.

New to the US, but more than a decade of experience in EU and Canada

The company has conducted data-centric projects in a myriad of industries on both sides of the Atlantic, solving data issues and building data pipelines:

Do you care about data quality as much as we do? Submit your info to be notified of future job openings

We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you. We have two units, one centered around marketing, and one working on everything technology.

You should understand the importance of data quality, and ideally have previous experience with marketing technologies and/or modern data stacks and tools.

Please note that you need to have a work permit for the United States or the European Economic Area, ideally based on citizenship or permanent residency.

DaaS for partners: Agencies, consultants, vendors, platforms

Our DaaS platform is not limited to “end users”. You can use it for your customers as well, for example:

  • Agencies that offer data-driven services, e.g. ads
  • Consultants that build pipelines with user event data
  • Vendors of solutions that consume event data, e.g. marketing technologies
  • Platform providers that need analytics features in their products, e.g. B2B SaaS

Instead of dealing with data issues, focus on creating value for your customers. Our DaaS takes care of everything behind the scenes so you can focus on core features and services. solves the data industry’s biggest problem with technology based on 10+ years of experience

“Garbage in, garbage out” refers to the fact that low-quality inputs (source data) can’t produce high-quality outputs. User event data, also known as analytics or clickstream data, is the hardest to get right, but it is absolutely necessary to answer the why, not just the what.

While data professionals are well aware of this issue, most vendors prefer not to talk about the open secret that their solutions usually require high-quality data to work really well, with the exception of data quality tools, obviously. 😉

We are building technology to solve this issue and provide everyone and every tool with data from a central, high-quality source. The US company is based out of New York City and has a German subsidiary.

Enabling all your use cases that require quality event data

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Marketing spend allocation / ROI optimization
  • User journey and user behavior analytics
  • Product analytics / user experience analytics
  • Dashboards and reports, e.g. for management
  • One 360 degree view on the customer or user
  • Ecommerce analytics, e.g. checkout funnels
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
  • Churn reduction
  • Customer activation
  • Dynamic pricing
  • a/b/n testing and personalization

Got a use case that isn’t listed here? Please let us know.