How we are able to guarantee data quality and you can too

Our Data as a Service‘s quality criteria are the result of over a decade of turning data into business value.

Learn how to achieve them below, and how to avoid other related issues. Please reach out if you disagree with our criteria.



  • Accurate
  • Objective
  • Consistent
  • Complete
  • Intuitive / logical
  • (show all)
  • Recent
  • Low latency
  • Adaptable
  • Compatible
  • Versatile
  • (show all)

Low costs


  • Not getting in the way
  • Developer-friendly
  • Future-proof
  • Reusable
  • No redundancies
  • (show all)
  • Modern architecture
  • Legally compliant
  • Easy to maintain
  • Centralized responsibility
  • Tool-agnostic
  • (show all)

Data contents criteria

Please check back in a couple of days. We are currently working on this content.

Data performance criteria

Please check back in a couple of days. We are currently working on this content.

Data costs criteria

Please check back in a couple of days. We are currently working on this content.

Data sustainability criteria

Please check back in a couple of days. We are currently working on this content.