How to turn data into business value for your company

Business value can mean a lot: To us, value creation refers to any activity that propels a company forward. If you manage to avoid common data issues, creating value becomes easy:

Generate revenue

  • Marketing analytics
  • Product analytics
  • E-commerce analytics
  • (show more)

Seize opportunities

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Marketing automation
  • (show more)

Understand your users

  • User behavior analytics
  • One 360° customer view
  • A/B & multivariate testing
  • (show more)

Increase efficiency

  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Content personalization
  • Tool & data consolidation
  • (show more)

Get started right away

Focus on your use cases and tools, while provides you with the necessary data.

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Achieve high-level goals

  • Single Source of Truth
  • User identity resolution
  • Global legal compliance
  • (show more)

Hello, my name is Ian, and I am the founder of For more than a decade, my #1 priority has been data of the highest quality, see here.

Create value: Generate revenue

Revenue generation and business growth is achieved by leveraging data effectively. Among other things, you can create targeted marketing campaigns, optimize product development, improve conversion rates, personalize customer experiences, identify high-value customers, optimize pricing strategies, and optimize sales channels using the following analytics techniques:

The above revenue drivers only work as good as the underlying data. can provide you with high-quality data that allow you to focus on creating value.

Create value: Seize opportunities

When your data is sound, your organization can explore new opportunities based on technological advancements. AI can enhance targeting, customer segmentation, and product recommendations, fostering deeper engagement and loyalty by analyzing vast datasets. In addition, ML algorithms can refine marketing strategies in real-time, improving ROI and driving revenue growth.

The above opportunities can only be seized with a strong foundation, meaning that the underlying data must be solid. can provide you with that so you can focus on creating value.

Create value: Understand your users

Comprehensive data about your users’ behavior, empowers businesses to anticipate needs, personalize experiences, and optimize every touch point of the customer journey. Ultimately, it enables companies to enhance customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and drive sustainable growth by aligning offerings precisely with customer expectations and preferences.

The above insights into users are only as good as the underlying data. can provide you with high-quality data that allow you to focus on creating value.

Create value: Increase efficiency

Businesses can optimize their income or reduce their spending, ideally they do both. Measures to enhance efficiency can include delivering targeted content to users and customers, refining strategies based on data-driven insights, and simplifying operations by decreasing the number of tools data sources.

The above efficiency drivers only work as good as the underlying data. can provide you with high-quality data that allow you to focus on creating value.

Create value: Achieve high-level goals

Most businesses suffer from a lot of noise around their data. Ensuring consistency and accuracy, reducing discrepancies and errors that arise from fragmented systems should therefore be a priority at the corporate level, enabling better insights and decision-making at all levels, facilitating strategic alignment and coordinated actions across departments. A unified data strategy enhances scalability and adaptability, allowing the organization to respond effectively to evolving business needs and market dynamics.

The above high-level goals only work as good as the underlying data. can provide you with high-quality data that allow you to focus on creating value.

Create value: Data as a Service

With you never have to worry about accuracy of your analytics tools because you’ll be using our high quality data. That’s right, analytics tools don’t need to collect their own data, they can be fed third-party data with no change in functionality. So no matter your role or use case, we’ll provide you with a hands-off, low-risk, solid foundation without issues or compromises.

If you want data with guaranteed quality, you can connect your digital analytics tools to our Data as a Service. You can focus on your actual work while we take care of everything else:

  • We collect the data, and maintain it.
  • We stream it into the tools you use for your use cases.
  • We continuously ensure and guarantee its quality.
  • We constantly make technical improvements.