As a decision maker: Create one consistent data view across tools and eliminate costly redundancies

Based on a decade of experience, we understand your needs:

  • Accurate event data, ideally with guaranteed quality
  • Consistent data across different teams and tools
  • Data that enables your teams to efficiently do their job

Our product is built on the belief that decision makers should be able to make data-driven decisions and not have to worry about the underlying data. We provide analytics / clickstream / event data like SaaS. With our Data as a Service (DaaS), everything is done for you:

  • We collect your event data (implementation included)
  • We monitor and validate your data, handle any issues
  • We optimize your data for usability

We guarantee quality event data to support your uses.

A new and modern approach to collecting and using event data: Single Source of Truth by design

From a data architecture perspective, analytics tools, data stacks, and marketing technologies are all just data pipelines that consist of the same components:

  • Creating / collecting data
  • Processing data
  • Storing data
  • Using data / creating value

Instead of having all these solutions create redundant, usually inconsistent, and often low-quality data, it’s better to create data only once and focus on its quality.

With our DaaS, you can stream the same data into different MarTech tools, analytics solutions, and data pipelines to ensure overall consistency and remove redundancies.

Up to 50% more economical than options without a data quality guarantee

By standardizing and automating our implementation process and building lots of automated services around it, we are able to offer you very competitive pricing.

You will also receive a refund for every day that quality standards are not met, and we will resolve any data issue at no additional cost. Who wouldn’t like that?

You need to measure everything to answer the why, not just the what

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if you don’t measure enough, a lot of questions remain unanswered making it difficult to provide actionable insights.

You may have been given this advice before: Focus on a few important data points and make sure that data is accurate and reliable. We strongly disagree with this limiting approach.

Transactional data answers the what, event data answers the why. So if you want to answer the why, you need a complete picture of what happened, as everything can affect a user’s behavior.

Our Data as a Service aims to cover everything. And if something is missing and technically possible, we add it.

For a yearly flat fee: Ready-to-use, high-quality event data

Analytics vendors offer tools, agencies offer consulting services. We provide the end product, the data, as a service.

With data quality and reliability being our sole focus, we enable you and your stakeholders to focus on your use cases.

Similar to SaaS, our Data as a Service approach is worry-free and about 50% more cost-effective than traditional models.

We integrate seamlessly with your existing software solutions and service providers by taking care of the implementation.

The difference between DaaS and agencies / consultants

More than a decade of consulting and helping clients with their data issues has made us realize that the approach to collect data to create value is inherently broken.

Most companies work with their service providers on their data collection together. Unfortunately, shared responsibilities don’t work for increasingly complex implementations.

Instead, we recommend to make the data and its quality the responsibility of just one party so that the deliverable can be measured, and somebody can be held accountable.

Our DaaS comes with a data quality guarantee and can be used by you and your partners. We believe that agencies create a lot of value, but data creation requires undivided attention.

Enabling all your use cases that require quality event data

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Marketing spend allocation / ROI optimization
  • User journey and user behavior analytics
  • Product analytics / user experience analytics
  • Dashboards and reports, e.g. for management
  • One 360 degree view on the customer or user
  • Ecommerce analytics, e.g. checkout funnels
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
  • Churn reduction
  • Customer activation
  • Dynamic pricing
  • a/b/n testing and personalization

Got a use case that isn’t listed here? Please let us know.

One tool-agnostic, future-proof, and cost-effective implementation for everything

Our implementation is the last one you’ll ever need, and you don’t have to lift a finger. We’ll replace all your current legacy implementations and data collectors with just one.

Free your websites and apps from legacy code slowing them down (maybe even breaking them) to make a lot of people very happy:

  • Your users and customers
  • Your UX / site reliability team
  • Your security and compliance team

The data we collect for you can be used with all kinds of marketing technologies and data stacks.

Your goals are automatically our goals due to our business model

You need high-quality data continuously, not just now, because data use cases take time to implement and usually get more profitable over time.

Our business model is built around long-term partnerships. Everything we do is thought through and meant to work for a long time.

We have learned from a decade of experience that quick fixes, workarounds, and makeshift (or band-aid) solutions don’t last.

We have huge initial implementation efforts, so if we don’t earn your business for a second year, we lose money. This sets us apart from other service providers.

Fixing data issues downstream is exponentially more expensive

A high-quality implementation to collect high-quality data costs more than a low-quality one, but dealing with low-quality data incurs even more costs downstream.

You have probably heard of “garbage in, garbage out” (or GIGO), which further contributes to the problem: The further downstream you move, the less likely it gets that you can actually fix your data.

That’s why our platform includes:

  • Data models optimized for data science use cases
  • Schema enforcement and data contracts
  • Constant adjustments to evolving environments
  • Event data based on best practices from a decade of experience

Keep your data compliant with privacy rules and regulations

Your data is one of your biggest assets, but could also be one of your biggest liabilities due to legal compliance requirements.

Reduce your risk with our legal compliance framework that covers North America and Europe. We also support a variety of Consent Management Platforms.

Coming originally from Europe, we have many years of experience dealing with strict privacy laws. That’s why, with just a few clicks, you can set up:

  • Anonymization
  • Pseudonymization
  • Cohort-based analytics
  • and more!