Data consulting company turned Data as a Service (DaaS) vendor

The company was initially founded in Germany in 2013 to provide consulting services in digital analytics, a/b/n testing, conversion rate optimization, website personalization, and data analysis.

Since then, the company has conducted data-centric projects in a myriad of industries on both sides of the Atlantic, solving data issues and building data pipelines: Travel, advertising, media, energy, telco, retail, insurance, gambling, etc.

In late 2022, work began on a software solution that automates almost all of the work that has been done manually for the consulting projects. Now, the product is high-quality data, while consulting is offered only as an add-on.

The difference between DaaS and agencies / consultants

More than a decade of consulting and helping clients with their data issues has made us realize that the approach to collect data to create value is inherently broken.

Most companies work with their service providers on their data collection together. Unfortunately, shared responsibilities don’t work for increasingly complex implementations.

Instead, we recommend to make the data and its quality the responsibility of just one party so that the deliverable can be measured, and somebody can be held accountable.

Our DaaS comes with a data quality guarantee and can be used by you and your partners. We believe that agencies create a lot of value, but data creation requires undivided attention.

For a yearly flat fee: Ready-to-use, high-quality event data

Analytics vendors offer tools, agencies offer consulting services. We provide the end product, the data, as a service.

With data quality and reliability being our sole focus, we enable you and your stakeholders to focus on your use cases.

Similar to SaaS, our Data as a Service approach is worry-free and about 50% more cost-effective than traditional models.

We integrate seamlessly with your existing software solutions and service providers by taking care of the implementation.

New to the US, but more than a decade of experience in EU and Canada

The company has conducted data-centric projects in a myriad of industries on both sides of the Atlantic, solving data issues and building data pipelines:

Google News Initiative software project to support news companies

In 2016/2017, the company received funding from Google’s News Initiative to develop a software to personalize news websites.

The idea behind this project was that social networks are so successful because they provides highly personalized and optimized news feed that keep users engaged.

Our software solution, AKINGO News, was a proxy solution that tailored news sites to individual readers’ interests to provide them with the most enjoyable experience possible.

Unfortunately, not many news organizations are open to replace their editors in chief with algorithms, at least not yet.